
Peg Loom Weave a Table Topper
Discover the simplicity of weaving on a peg loom! Peg loom weaving is a primitive technique and it is different than most types of weaving because it offers a tension-free experience by using only top pegs. This method of weaving is quick, portable, and inexpensive. Aliza will supply the looms and may have some for sale.
Students bring: scissors, if you have a favorite bulky yard or novelty/fancy yarn (boucle, loop, eyelash, slub) bring that along too!
Kit cost: $25.00.
3 hour class, Tuesday am/pm
Instructor: Aliza Novacek Olson
Students bring: scissors, if you have a favorite bulky yard or novelty/fancy yarn (boucle, loop, eyelash, slub) bring that along too!
Kit cost: $25.00.
3 hour class, Tuesday am/pm
Instructor: Aliza Novacek Olson

Finger Weaving
Finger weaving is an ancient technique of using bark, yarn or roots to weave bands and belts. The process is sometimes called Scandinavian braiding or Indian weaving. The technique is very simple but variations in colors and ways of moving threads can be used to create intricate designs. During the class, you will attach yarns to a dowel rod and using only your fingers, create a woven bracelet or book mark. Yarns can be embellished with beads and other decorations for even more unique art.
Students bring: scissors, and a magnifying glass if needed.
Kit cost: $10.00
3 hour class, Thursday am/pm
Instructor: Alethea Kenney
Students bring: scissors, and a magnifying glass if needed.
Kit cost: $10.00
3 hour class, Thursday am/pm
Instructor: Alethea Kenney